OfA is an architectural design practice aims at the designing from concept work to design details. The purpose of OfA is practicing the design part of the architecture with many elements. We practice making experimental (new) design for various project orders.


hodos experiment

RC, 122.1㎡, 2023

2021年に完成したヘアサロン hodosの2店舗目となるプロジェクトである。 設計の対象となる建物は築50年ほどのコンクリート造の建物であった。解体を進めていくうちに、思いもよらない段差や、個性的な姿が現れてくる。

そんな中で即物的に、足りない機能を補完しながら、全体として「Experiment(al)」= [実験的」な空間性を目指して検討を進めていった。



普段、建築の中で「下地」として扱われる材料を、分解・整理し、留め付けの方法や、勝ち負けなどのディテール、 そして下地の持つ色を丁寧に捉え直して、この空間に対してもっともふさわしい在り方に再構成している。






This is the second project of the hair salon “hodos,” following the completion of the first salon in 2021.

The building which we designed was an approximately 50-year-old concrete structure. During the demolition process, unexpected variations and unique features emerged.

Amid these discoveries, the design aimed to create a space that would organically “experiment” and evolve while complementing missing functionalities.

Proper placement of the base structure allowed for the addition of necessary storage even after the operational phase, as well as the emergence of new experimental finishes and uses.

Furthermore, this project involved an experimental and detailed reevaluation of the relationship between the base structure and finishing elements.

Materials typically treated as “base structure” within architecture were meticulously reevaluated in terms of attachment methods, detailing, and the inherent colors of the base structure to reconstruct them in the most suitable way for this space.

For instance, melamine material, typically used as a finishing surface, was selected to match the color of the base structure, creating a reversal of the conventional relationship between “finishing” and “base structure. ”

Consideration was given to how the hidden polystyrene’s watercolor and the orange of the CD tube could be organized to appear most beautifully.

The space was significantly influenced by its intended use. It is designed to serve as an experimental shop, not only for salon work but also for flower arrangements and product sales, accommodating the expectation of various items.

In line with this, throughout the space, tactile finishing elements were thoughtfully integrated, similar to the first salon.

At the completion stage, it may not seem entirely finished, with ongoing experimental changes being eagerly anticipated.

It has become a place that reflects the essence of “hodos” while offering a sense of familiarity akin to the first salon.

PHOTOGRAPHY BY Kenta Hasegawa, OfA(last 5)

room in tokyo

RC, 50.1㎡, 2022



そこで、窓と躯体で切り取られた室内だけでなく、 そのような豊かな光や風までを設計の与件として丁寧に扱っていくことを考えた。







This is a renovation design for a single room in a reinforced concrete condominium in Tokyo.

The room to be designed is a southeast-facing corner unit, receiving ample sunlight and good airflow. Therefore, we thought of treating not only the interior space but also the abundant light and airflow as design elements that should be handled with care.

We considered how this natural light and breeze would reach the entire interior, passing through materials such as glass blocks, tiles, mirrors, and the sink.

From the time the morning sun enters, the entire room becomes bright, with light reflecting off the glossy ceiling, even illuminating the bathroom tiles.

In this small space, we tried how to create a room where one can feel the “outside,” and how to design a charming and bright interior that makes daily life more attractive.

By imagining a specific lifestyle, furniture such as benches and washbasins are finally arranged near the windows, creating a pleasant corridor that is enveloped by light, air, and daily life. Additionally, these custom-made pieces of furniture were designed with consideration for their finish and repair methods, ensuring they can withstand years of use.

I think it became a room where you want to place many items, and where many “things” and “life” are beautifully arranged, creating a genuinely pleasant space.

PHOTOGRAPHY BY Kentaro Ito, OfA(last 3)

room in renpeicho

RC, 74.5㎡, 2023









This is a renovation design for a single room in a reinforced concrete condominium in Kumamoto City.

The room to be designed was a 4LDK layout, with each room having its own windows. However, the dark hallway connecting these rooms had poor air flow, and the northern rooms were prone to mold growth.

The client, who had reached retirement age, enjoys cooking, hosts study sessions, and frequently dines with friends. As a place for such occasional visitors and the central space of client’s daily life, we began the design process and envisioned the entire spaces.

In addition to such activities, the client is the kind of person who enjoys living with open windows on pleasant, breezy days. Therefore, we aimed to create a space that is “ordinary” for the residents, relying less on air conditioning and minimizing lighting.

During the planning process, we decided a rule that no individual room should exclusively occupy a window, promoting a continuous flow of air throughout the space and avoiding dead ends. By ensuring that no room monopolizes a window, we created spaces beside the windows that allow a soft and bright entry of air and light.

Ultimately, the layout converged into a design reminiscent of traditional townhouses(町家) from centuries ago in this region, featuring open spaces with a flow of air, connected to private areas by sliding doors.

Furthermore, the interior walls took on partial shapes to avoid excessive obstruction of airflow and lines of sight. By creating walls that do not reach the ceiling and walls with gaps, a seamlessly connected space was formed. The movement of sliding doors and curtains allowed for adjustments in airflow and visibility according to the season and usage, giving rise to a lifestyle that adapts to different conditions.

The space is designed to be accommodating and can handle moments of calm as well as gatherings of numerous people, all while remaining a place where residents can feel the fresh air. It has become a healthy and comfortable place, representing what has been “normal” for the residents.



RC, 84.1㎡, 2023

名古屋の高岳に位置するヘアサロン “casey”のデザインを行った。







The first hair salon to be opened by Mr. Inagaki, and the design was carefully considered to align with Casey’s aesthetics, anticipating future growth, and designing functionality.

Additionally, Takaoka, where the property is situated, is a town with a calm impression. Therefore, we aimed for the salon to have a calm impression and be a part of Takaoka.

Adhering to Casey’s concept, the design aimed to create a space that is not overly decorative and avoids excessive finishing, striving to build a comfortable environment.

Specifically, existing structural quirks were positively embraced, with multiple pieces of furniture fulfilling necessary functions.

To bring about this, a thorough understanding and positive interpretation of the original structure’s features were crucial.

For instance, walls resembling a marble pattern created by the mix of Styrofoam insulation and concrete structure during construction, polyhedron-shaped columns made of circular reinforced concrete structure, and concrete block walls serving as partition walls could be charming when presented thoughtfully.

These distinctive features, combined with new functional and simple furniture, contribute to the unique atmosphere of Casey.

Furthermore, various plants, flowers, and objects curated by Mr. Inagaki are continually being added. The marble pattern of the structural elements, vividly colored books, along with soft ambiance-inducing flowers, and the custom-made furniture where they are placed, all come together as a unified space, creating a cheerful, beautiful, and tranquil space.

PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tomoyuki Kusunose, OfA(4,8)


RC, 79.7㎡, 2021

山下純平さんが1店舗目として開業するヘアサロンのデザイン/設計を行った。 物件の選定、空間の構想、設計まで、山下さんと共に長い時間をかけたプロジェクトとなった。


山下さんのために昔からあるような姿であり、同時に、どこか新しさも感じ、 単一のコンセプトに収束しないような多義的なデザインになればと考えていた。加えて、対象としたテナント区画の変則的な形状に合わせて雰囲気が大きく変わっていくデザインとしている。




最終的には「更新性」と、ある種の「隙」を持つ空間デザインとなっていく。 サロンの成長に合わせて柔軟に家具が増えていくことを意識した什器設計とし、「hodos」の語源地域に近い産地の銅の釉薬を用いたタイルや、その組み合わせ/ディテール等を細かい部分まで検証を重ね、 物を置きたくなるようなデザインの隙のようなものを与えていく。


その後、山下さんたちは僕が思い描いていた以上にhodosを魅力的に使ってくれている。 遊びに行くたびに雰囲気が変わっていき、素敵な場所になってくれている。

This project involved a long period of collaboration with Mr. Yamashita, from selecting the property to conceptualizing and designing the space.

We aimed to create a space that would be most attractive not only when the interior was completed but also when it started operating with people and items, by accurately grasping the atmosphere of the people who visit hodos and the various items and furniture that would be brought into hodos through discussions with Mr. Yamashita.

Seeking for a design that would have a sense of familiarity for Mr. Yamashita, as if it had always been there, yet at the same time, we wanted it to have a touch of freshness, avoiding converging into a single concept and instead becoming a polysemous design. We were conscious of aligning with hodos’ vision, so the waiting area incorporated many natural materials and actively used materials with complementary colors.

In contrast, the treatment space was composed of inorganic materials with minimal color, emphasizing its nature as a workspace primarily used externally.

During the design period, we constantly updated our thoughts of placement furniture, lighting, and the experiences we wanted to create. In the end, the design became one that prioritized “flexibility” and included a sense of “openness.”

The furniture design was also mindful of the salon’s growth, with the flexibility to bring in additional furniture.

We meticulously examined tiles made with copper glaze from the region close to the origin of the word “hodos” and their combinations/details, aiming to create a design with small details that would make people want to place things. Items and flowers are displayed in tile steps and niche spaces, and they become a part of hodos, making the whole.

Afterward, Mr. Yamashita and his team have been using hodos in a way that exceeds my expectations. It changes every time I visit, and It impresses me as nice space.