
hodos experiment

2021年に完成したヘアサロン hodosの2店舗目となるプロジェクトである。 設計の対象となる建物は築50年ほどのコンクリート造の建物であった。解体を進めていくうちに、思いもよらない段差や、個性的な姿が現れてくる。

そんな中で即物的に、足りない機能を補完しながら、全体として「Experiment(al)」= [実験的」な空間性を目指して検討を進めていった。



普段、建築の中で「下地」として扱われる材料を、分解・整理し、留め付けの方法や、勝ち負けなどのディテール、 そして下地の持つ色を丁寧に捉え直して、この空間に対してもっともふさわしい在り方に再構成している。






This is the second project of the hair salon “hodos,” following the completion of the first salon in 2021.

The building which we designed was an approximately 50-year-old concrete structure. During the demolition process, unexpected variations and unique features emerged.

Amid these discoveries, the design aimed to create a space that would organically “experiment” and evolve while complementing missing functionalities.

Proper placement of the base structure allowed for the addition of necessary storage even after the operational phase, as well as the emergence of new experimental finishes and uses.

Furthermore, this project involved an experimental and detailed reevaluation of the relationship between the base structure and finishing elements.

Materials typically treated as “base structure” within architecture were meticulously reevaluated in terms of attachment methods, detailing, and the inherent colors of the base structure to reconstruct them in the most suitable way for this space.

For instance, melamine material, typically used as a finishing surface, was selected to match the color of the base structure, creating a reversal of the conventional relationship between “finishing” and “base structure. ”

Consideration was given to how the hidden polystyrene’s watercolor and the orange of the CD tube could be organized to appear most beautifully.

The space was significantly influenced by its intended use. It is designed to serve as an experimental shop, not only for salon work but also for flower arrangements and product sales, accommodating the expectation of various items.

In line with this, throughout the space, tactile finishing elements were thoughtfully integrated, similar to the first salon.

At the completion stage, it may not seem entirely finished, with ongoing experimental changes being eagerly anticipated.

It has become a place that reflects the essence of “hodos” while offering a sense of familiarity akin to the first salon.


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